We are the YOONCLAN!

The Yoonclan is answering a call to go to Maneadero, Mexico. After much prayer and consideration, we have committed to be here for three years (2011-2014). Our family will strive with prayer and work together to bring young, old and everyone in between, into the "JOY of HIS salvation".

Phil was a contractor in New Jersey and is now a contractor of souls for the kingdom of God. Joanne was a youth pastor at Cornerstone Fellowship and is now sharing the love of Christ for the people in Maneadero, MX. The Yoonies have traded in their English for Spanish and can't wait to say Christo te ama to their new friends!

We hope you will visit our blog frequently and partner with us to bring His love to His people in Mexico!


July 16: Mexico here we come!

Strong Foundation's Van (Phil's Van)
After packing, finalizing and then repacking, we will start our cross country road trip to MEXICO.

Last night, as Phil and I looked at the enormity of the logistics of moving a family of 7 to another country, we understood that every logistical detail was evidence of God's grace and providence. We sat there in just utter amazement to how God was moving and working in the yoonclan's lives.

This morning, a local junkyard picked up phil's temperamental van (+290,000 miles). Every time it rained, the van stopped working, which meant Phil could not work... and when it did not rain, the van ran smoothly :) Phil spent so much time on what "mood" the van was in and taking care of it (it only runs on super gas), that as the van was being lifted up on the hitch, he found a bit hard to say goodbye.  I believe I saw him tearing up.

Are we not like this van? Sometimes, we just don't feel like "running"?  We feel like crawling up in a ball of despair when it "rains" on our lives?  We travel on this highway, these local streets called life to reach a destiny; the destiny of "running the race and striving towards the prize"?

We, vans have an owner. His name is God. He always wonders what temperament we are in. We ride on the Christian highway paved with the blood of His Son and we are fueled by the "super" fuel of the Holy Spirit!

So, let's ride!

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