We are the YOONCLAN!

The Yoonclan is answering a call to go to Maneadero, Mexico. After much prayer and consideration, we have committed to be here for three years (2011-2014). Our family will strive with prayer and work together to bring young, old and everyone in between, into the "JOY of HIS salvation".

Phil was a contractor in New Jersey and is now a contractor of souls for the kingdom of God. Joanne was a youth pastor at Cornerstone Fellowship and is now sharing the love of Christ for the people in Maneadero, MX. The Yoonies have traded in their English for Spanish and can't wait to say Christo te ama to their new friends!

We hope you will visit our blog frequently and partner with us to bring His love to His people in Mexico!


On the road...

Beginning in New Jersey... 
3200 miles
15 fill ups
5 days
and so many, oh so many bathroom breaks... 
These past days have been filled with awe and amazement at the Hands of an Almighty God who created and still creates such beauty.  On route 66, the yoonclan witnessed the most beautiful sunset.  Red, orange and yellow  swirled together perfectly on a canvas blue and white sky.  The scene took our breath away.  On the night rides as the yoonies nestled in slumber and as the darkness enveloped the night, gigantic, brightly lit crosses marked the highways.  

These crosses reminded us that our Lord “will go before us and the God of Israel will be our rear guard” (Isaiah 52:12b). Those 
magnificent crosses served as beacons of hope and light amidst the darkness of the night sky.  Jesus, the author of light and hope, allows us to become extensions to bring hope and light to a world filled with such brokenness and darkness.  What a honor and privilege be be such an extension. 
Jesus, thank you for going ahead of us and Father for being our rear guard. Thank you Holy Spirit for painting the skies and bringing us to be again in awe of the One who created and creates such beauty.  We also give thanks to you who have prayed with us, for us, encouraged us, and have been part of “sending” us to Mexico.  We ask for your continued prayers and support as we transition to our new home and begin our lives as missionaries. 
We love you and miss you. 


The YOONCLAN are on the road!

the YOONCLAN van
The YOONCLAN have started their road trip to Maneadero, Mexico.  With a very heavy heart we said goodbye to our dear family and friends.  Beloved friends and family, you have been our greatest supporters and we love you so much.  We praise and thank God for giving us such godly people to call family.    

Our route?  We will go through New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California and finally...MEXICO!


July 16: Mexico here we come!

Strong Foundation's Van (Phil's Van)
After packing, finalizing and then repacking, we will start our cross country road trip to MEXICO.

Last night, as Phil and I looked at the enormity of the logistics of moving a family of 7 to another country, we understood that every logistical detail was evidence of God's grace and providence. We sat there in just utter amazement to how God was moving and working in the yoonclan's lives.

This morning, a local junkyard picked up phil's temperamental van (+290,000 miles). Every time it rained, the van stopped working, which meant Phil could not work... and when it did not rain, the van ran smoothly :) Phil spent so much time on what "mood" the van was in and taking care of it (it only runs on super gas), that as the van was being lifted up on the hitch, he found a bit hard to say goodbye.  I believe I saw him tearing up.

Are we not like this van? Sometimes, we just don't feel like "running"?  We feel like crawling up in a ball of despair when it "rains" on our lives?  We travel on this highway, these local streets called life to reach a destiny; the destiny of "running the race and striving towards the prize"?

We, vans have an owner. His name is God. He always wonders what temperament we are in. We ride on the Christian highway paved with the blood of His Son and we are fueled by the "super" fuel of the Holy Spirit!

So, let's ride!



What a blessing this conference was!  Gathered together were Christians from all over the world for one reason: to repent and to pray for the awakening of America.  We worshiped, prayed and then was convicted and challenged to live out our faith by action...

I was invited to speak on the topic of missions and as I stood on the podium and spoke about the heart of God about His great commission to us, His CHURCH.  We are to live out our faith with COMPASSION in His great COMMISSION locally, nationally and globally (Acts 1:8)  Each believer is therefore a missionary (sent to be witnesses of Jesus Christ) to our own backyards as well as to the ends of the earth.

God chooses to partner with us to spread His love and grace.
He chooses us to preach, to comfort, to deliver, to feed, to heal, to go into His world.

All he asks for is a willing heart.

Jesus choose me.
Jesus send me.

I will go.