We are the YOONCLAN!

The Yoonclan is answering a call to go to Maneadero, Mexico. After much prayer and consideration, we have committed to be here for three years (2011-2014). Our family will strive with prayer and work together to bring young, old and everyone in between, into the "JOY of HIS salvation".

Phil was a contractor in New Jersey and is now a contractor of souls for the kingdom of God. Joanne was a youth pastor at Cornerstone Fellowship and is now sharing the love of Christ for the people in Maneadero, MX. The Yoonies have traded in their English for Spanish and can't wait to say Christo te ama to their new friends!

We hope you will visit our blog frequently and partner with us to bring His love to His people in Mexico!



Maneadero, Mexico (East View) 
As the Yoonclan arrives at our new home, the village of Maneadero welcomes us.  Each morning the rooster crows and the dogs bark but we also awake to the new mercies of our beautiful God.  The mercies of God who shine the sun on our faces, the breathe in our lungs, living in community with the staff here at the base and the joy of knowing that His grace sustains us and keeps us.

Clara and Muffin :) 
The Yoonclan is still transitioning to our new home here in Maneadero.  Life here is in some ways very different than in New Jersey.  Garbage is burned and not picked up, water (washing) is rationed and sometimes bought when the water tanks run low and not abundance at the switch of the faucet. Yet, in some ways, life is still the same... the yoonies always seem to find a way to smile, laugh and cry.  They fill the house with chaos like in Jersey and much joy :)

The Santiago family
Hanaim Church YG blessed us with their presence as they came to Maneadero.  Pastor Jennifer Kim led 15 youths and teachers as they ministered to the children of Maneadero and to the yoonclan.  One of their first mission was to help rebuild the roof of the Santiago family (see picture) A family of 4 lives in this 20 X10 ft house.  They desperately needed a new roof as their old plastic roof offered no insulation and leaked.  Shingles were bought by another team (thanks Toronto church!) and Phil led Hanaim (Henry, Keith and Joe) and Mr. Santiago solidify the roof foundation and placed a new roof onto their house.

A complete roof! (Phil, Timothy, Keith and Henry)
And as Hanaim left, they left with us tremendous encouragement. Thank you Hanaim for hearing His heart and answering His call.  Thank you for blessing the children of Maneadero and for blessing the Yoonclan. Your actions, your words and your heart planted eternal seeds of hope and love!

Summer VBS Graduation Celebration @ Maneadero