We are the YOONCLAN!

The Yoonclan is answering a call to go to Maneadero, Mexico. After much prayer and consideration, we have committed to be here for three years (2011-2014). Our family will strive with prayer and work together to bring young, old and everyone in between, into the "JOY of HIS salvation".

Phil was a contractor in New Jersey and is now a contractor of souls for the kingdom of God. Joanne was a youth pastor at Cornerstone Fellowship and is now sharing the love of Christ for the people in Maneadero, MX. The Yoonies have traded in their English for Spanish and can't wait to say Christo te ama to their new friends!

We hope you will visit our blog frequently and partner with us to bring His love to His people in Mexico!


Last Sunday @ Cornerstone Fellowship

brothers and sisters in Christ
We have called Cornerstone Fellowship home for the past 4 years. My children have grown up here and my youngest, Clara was born and baptized here.

It seemed like just yesterday...

It seemed like yesterday when I sat down with Pastor David (former lead pastor) to talk about the possibility of interning at Cornerstone.
It seemed like yesterday when we prepared for the DR mission trip to Bately La Isleta and then El Prado and Fao and then the San Francisco trip.
It seemed like yesterday when we were huddled in a room for worship, sitting on chairs that were way too small.
It seemed like yesterday, when we hosted the Starfield Concert @ Dwight Morrow HS.
It seemed like yesterday when we walked to raise awareness for poverty by participating in the annual CROP WALKs.
It seemed like just yesterday, we were on our Family Retreat @ Tuscarora, Family Retreat with MSG @ Crystal Spring Resort, Family Retreat @ Edith Macy Conference Center and then this past Spring Retreat @ Harvey Cedar Bible Conference.

...and now it's TODAY.

Today is our last day. It will truly be a bittersweet day.  On the one hand, we are excited about how God will be leading us and yet, saddened by leaving this beautiful body of Christ.

The Yoonclan have learned so much.
We have been loved so much.
We have been blessed so much.

Thank you Cornerstone for the outpouring of love and blessing us.
Our prayers and our hearts are always with you.
The YOONCLAN loves Cornerstone!