We are the YOONCLAN!

The Yoonclan is answering a call to go to Maneadero, Mexico. After much prayer and consideration, we have committed to be here for three years (2011-2014). Our family will strive with prayer and work together to bring young, old and everyone in between, into the "JOY of HIS salvation".

Phil was a contractor in New Jersey and is now a contractor of souls for the kingdom of God. Joanne was a youth pastor at Cornerstone Fellowship and is now sharing the love of Christ for the people in Maneadero, MX. The Yoonies have traded in their English for Spanish and can't wait to say Christo te ama to their new friends!

We hope you will visit our blog frequently and partner with us to bring His love to His people in Mexico!


yoonclan in video

Dear family and friends,
Please view with joy what your prayers, support and encouragement have manifest in Mexico.
Thank you for partnering with us.
We love you.




"God, who do you want us to visit today"? 
We waited...

and so we went. 

and our prayer was simple. 
“God, let us see your heart and feel your brokenness for your people... 
Use us to extend your love and grace to your people”.
And we walked. 
@Israel's house 

As we entered Israel's house, the smell of alcohol enveloped us. 
We asked for their prayer request.
Israel's grandfather began to tear up. 
“Please pray for my sister.  She is sick...”  was his reply.  He continued,
“And please pray for me.  I am an alcoholic”
His tears turned into sobbing.  
And we turned our hearts to our and his faithful and good God who hears the cries of His people. 

As we came back to the base, our hearts were filled with brokenness. 
Brokenness for the broken hearts. 
Brokenness for the broken families. 
Brokenness for the tears, the suffering and the pain. 
Broken because God’s heart is broken for His people. 
Isn’t that why Jesus “broke” the bread with His disciples? 
Isn’t that why Jesus’ body was “broken” on the cross? 
Was that not only the price of sin but also a reflection of His “brokenness” for His people?  

Broken for me.
Broken for you. 
Broken for us. 
And in the lives of the broken, 
in the hearts of the broken, 
in the tears of the broken, 
Jesus’ broken body and his broken heart gives me hope against all hope. 
HOPE in the broken.
HOPE in the cross. 
HOPE in the death. 
HOPE in the resurrection. 


Christmas 2011

Joanne, Clara, Christine, Emily, Julia, Sophia and Phil 
Happy Birthday JESUS!

The yoonclan is celebrating Christmas with family in Ohio but before we arrived here, we spent some time with our extended family (Cornerstone Fellowship Church, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ).

It was truly great to be back worshipping at Cornerstone Fellowship.  While the church building was different, the decor unfamiliar and the pews new to our eyes, it was the living church- the brothers and sisters at Cornerstone; the living saints who made church.  And it was this "church" who made us feel right back at home.  Thank you Church for your continued prayers and support.  The yoonclan is so blessed to call you family and friends.


Viva Mexico!

Viva Mexico! by Sophia Yoon 
Upon arriving home from school one afternoon, Sophia presented to us her "masterpiece".

Then I wondered...

The Giver of Life.
The Author of Life.
The Sustainer of Life.
The Breathe of Life.
The Passion of Life.
is the very Life Himself.
and I prayed...
Life Himself would fill this base,
would fill Maneadero
would fill Baja California,
would fill Mexico,
with His beautiful presence and His very LIFE.



The YOONIES have started school!

Julia, Christine and Emily in their school uniform
Emily, Julia and Christine have started school!  They go to the public school here in Maneadero (a 5 minute walk :) ) Differences in language, culture, school system and teachers made it a little difficult to adjust.  On some mornings they have gone to school with tears in their eyes.  Those were the most difficult days... and with tears in my eyes, they went into their classrooms. 

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement! 
Your prayers have moved God to strengthen us and to move the hearts of the teachers.   He has provided them with friends, some who speak English. The teachers have also consulted with us and informed us not to worry because they will work with them to teach them the basics of Spanish. 

Phil and I were so pleased, thankful and grateful to God who moved the hearts of the teachers and to of course, the teachers themselves. We believe that just as Esther gained the favor of the eunuchs and King Xerxes, it was God who moved and still moves the heart of people. Praise God and thank you for your continued prayers. 

Sophia and Cristal
Sophia has also started kindergarten! One of the children of Maneadero (see picture below) who come often to our base, Cristal is one of her classmates and has now become her best friend.  At school, they are found holding hands and speaking in the language of "play". It won't be long before Sophia is speaking fluent Spanish.  Gloria Dios!  



Maneadero, Mexico (East View) 
As the Yoonclan arrives at our new home, the village of Maneadero welcomes us.  Each morning the rooster crows and the dogs bark but we also awake to the new mercies of our beautiful God.  The mercies of God who shine the sun on our faces, the breathe in our lungs, living in community with the staff here at the base and the joy of knowing that His grace sustains us and keeps us.

Clara and Muffin :) 
The Yoonclan is still transitioning to our new home here in Maneadero.  Life here is in some ways very different than in New Jersey.  Garbage is burned and not picked up, water (washing) is rationed and sometimes bought when the water tanks run low and not abundance at the switch of the faucet. Yet, in some ways, life is still the same... the yoonies always seem to find a way to smile, laugh and cry.  They fill the house with chaos like in Jersey and much joy :)

The Santiago family
Hanaim Church YG blessed us with their presence as they came to Maneadero.  Pastor Jennifer Kim led 15 youths and teachers as they ministered to the children of Maneadero and to the yoonclan.  One of their first mission was to help rebuild the roof of the Santiago family (see picture) A family of 4 lives in this 20 X10 ft house.  They desperately needed a new roof as their old plastic roof offered no insulation and leaked.  Shingles were bought by another team (thanks Toronto church!) and Phil led Hanaim (Henry, Keith and Joe) and Mr. Santiago solidify the roof foundation and placed a new roof onto their house.

A complete roof! (Phil, Timothy, Keith and Henry)
And as Hanaim left, they left with us tremendous encouragement. Thank you Hanaim for hearing His heart and answering His call.  Thank you for blessing the children of Maneadero and for blessing the Yoonclan. Your actions, your words and your heart planted eternal seeds of hope and love!

Summer VBS Graduation Celebration @ Maneadero 


On the road...

Beginning in New Jersey... 
3200 miles
15 fill ups
5 days
and so many, oh so many bathroom breaks... 
These past days have been filled with awe and amazement at the Hands of an Almighty God who created and still creates such beauty.  On route 66, the yoonclan witnessed the most beautiful sunset.  Red, orange and yellow  swirled together perfectly on a canvas blue and white sky.  The scene took our breath away.  On the night rides as the yoonies nestled in slumber and as the darkness enveloped the night, gigantic, brightly lit crosses marked the highways.  

These crosses reminded us that our Lord “will go before us and the God of Israel will be our rear guard” (Isaiah 52:12b). Those 
magnificent crosses served as beacons of hope and light amidst the darkness of the night sky.  Jesus, the author of light and hope, allows us to become extensions to bring hope and light to a world filled with such brokenness and darkness.  What a honor and privilege be be such an extension. 
Jesus, thank you for going ahead of us and Father for being our rear guard. Thank you Holy Spirit for painting the skies and bringing us to be again in awe of the One who created and creates such beauty.  We also give thanks to you who have prayed with us, for us, encouraged us, and have been part of “sending” us to Mexico.  We ask for your continued prayers and support as we transition to our new home and begin our lives as missionaries. 
We love you and miss you.